Project Documents

Project Fact Sheets

The materials we are using for outreach are available here. There is a fact sheet about our project, a fact sheet about parks in Richmond, and a fact sheet about funding.


Our full reports are available here.

Park Access Needs and Opportunities

Richmond Parks Assessment Report 2019:

In the fall of 2018, a collaborative, multi-sectoral team of residents, early childhood advocates, and public health, government, and community organizations assessed 25 city parks in Richmond, CA, to determine their suitability for play and outdoor physical activity by young children and families. Read the report to learn more.

Richmond Parks Master Plan 2010:

The Richmond Parks Master Plan outlines the need for new parks and facilities, recommendations for enhancing existing parks, and strategies for acquiring additional properties for future park use. It evaluates the current park system, establishes criteria for site selection and management, and involves public input through study sessions. The plan aligns with the city’s General Plan and Community Health and Wellness Element, emphasizing the importance of nature in urban settings and serving as a specific implementing action for both elements.

Read and download Inventory (Coming soon):

We conducted a thorough inventory of park amenity and street infrastructure condition. This data, along with population data including pollution burden and other indicators of inequity, was used to conduct a nuanced equity analysis of parks and park access in Richmond. To round out spatial analysis, we conducted opportunity mapping, examining underutilized public land and recommended park opportunity sites.

Funding Feasibility Research

Funding Report Summary/Graphic (Coming soon):

Trust for Public Land is completing research regarding possible funding mechanisms for parks in Richmond.

RichPEP Parks Primer

Read and download Parks Primer (Coming soon):

We gathered existing information on policy, planning context, and the parks themselves. In this 34-page document, you can find:

  • A more extensive project summary
  • National, state, and local policy history
  • Planning context with regards to parks, access, and health and equity
  • Spatial analysis of existing parks data
  • Funding and development context for parks in Richmond