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What is the Richmond Park Equity Project?

The Richmond Park Equity Project (RichPEP) is a collaborative effort that will identify sources of park inequity in Richmond, explore strategies and actions for amending park inequity, and propose recommendations that are right for Richmond.

Who is leading the project?

Founding project partners include Rich City Rides and the Trust for Public Land, with funding from the Hellman Foundation and support from PlaceWorks. Community leadership and broad partnership will guide the effort.

How is this planning project different?

RichPEP is a Black and Brown resident-led movement that will focus on long-term, systemic solutions that result in getting needed projects built and programs funded. The plan will provide a roadmap to address obstacles to implementing the improvements discussed in other plans, including:


Funding strategies are included as core component of plan


Framework for prioritization is clear and equity-based


Emphasis on addressing limited staff capacity

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